
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Yeah, I know. I've been lax again. Kids. Life. Work, y'know? Nooooot gonna beat myself up about it.

We are in full summer swing, which around here means hanging at the lake, driving up to Rhody beaches and eating everything in sight. I mean it. I've been eating everything in sight. We recently did our annual beach rental and I can't even believe how off the rockers we went with food. We hosted BBQs and went out often. Clam cakes and New England clam chowder, beer, Allie's donuts, pizza strips, potato salad, ice cream from Aunt Carrie's, beer, hotdogs, Cheese Balls, and did I mention the beer? I came home feeling like a depressed slug. The entire next week I was exhausted. I couldn't keep up with my toddler and I was snappy with everyone. It sucked. I knew it was time for a quick reset. I joined a girlfriend's challenge group to get back into my regular eating and exercising plan and I felt better in just a few days. 7 days in and I have even lost a couple of inches (probably inches of beer).

In talking with a few friends I realized they were all in the same shame filled boat, too. Since I'm a planner and a bit food obsessed (duh), I thought it would be fun to do a challenge group of my own! I would make a meal plan, shopping list and recipe file! Fun! 5 days, clean foods, kid friendly. Easy right? I opened a group, invited some pals on Facebook, and within a few days 60 people had joined. 60. Fuck. I began to get performance anxiety and to freak out about pleasing 60 people. Then I thought, "Shoot. I don't give a shit. If these 60 people throw out one gross food item and find 1 new thing they like eating this week, great. Goal accomplished." So the more the merrier!

Want in? Here's what is involved:
- Pledge to eat clean for 5 days, August 3-7th
- Follow the provided meal plan for the 5 days (to the best of your ability)
- Complete the daily check-ins to enter yourself for prizes!

Click on this link to add yo'self: August Clean Eating Challenge

I'll be posting the recipes here too, so if you aren't a joiner, you can still eat like one.