
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jude!

Last Saturday our little man turned one. I still have to pinch myself. It's insane that the past year has flown by this fast, that he is this close to walking and really talking and spoon feeding himself and on and on into toddler-hood. I'm so not ready to have a toddler! Egad! But there it is. And so we had to celebrate with the familia in Little Rhody at least for the big One. We kept it casual and didn't go too crazy, though I was tempted. I have been so busy with the shop lately (yay!), that I had to keep the handicrafts under control. It was hard, but I handled it. In the end I only made salads, cupcakes, pom poms, a mini cake, and some monster crafts. Oh, and invitations, but those don't count :) And now for some photo overload...

 The mini cake, made with my Aunt's Applesauce Cake Recipe tweaked for babykins. 
I'll do a recipe post pretty soon :)

Rocking his Maddie Bugs tee which I somehow don't have a full photo of!?

I don't think he liked our singing.

And he definitely didn't trust the cake.

 He ate two bites.

 Then he wanted to go play.

 And who could blame him when there's a bubble mower to push!

The last Picky Sticky. 
*le sigh* 
Happy Birthday, Jude!
Love, Your Mama


  1. Happy 1st birthday!

  2. YAY! Happy birthday Jude!

  3. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Definitely the most fun Jackson has had yet. Couldn't believe how many little boys there were! Loved it! Thanks for having us - I am in awe of your creativity! PS.. you should have mentioned the awesome monster making table for the older ones!
    Love, Jenny C

  4. Where did you get those invitations? They are too cute!

  5. Hi Lisa! Thanks! I made them! You can order them by clicking on the link below the picture of the invitations:) Or click here:


Comments are welcomed and appreciated, but please save the drama for your mama.