I've been repeating this phrase to myself all day, because I didn't get called to sub, and I am trying to be productive. My day so far has broken down into hours of sitting on the computer trying to accomplish the following:
Find a wedding photographer - I sent out at least 10 more emails, and got 1 back. The guy looks very promising, and is within the budget, so this goal may very well be achieved within the week.
Get working on invites - I've decided that I am definitely printing them myself, via Gocco. I've become obsessed with owning this little gadget and convinced Eric that it should be part of the wedding budget. Not only will it still be cheaper than ordering custom invites from someone else, but it is an investment towards the future home of my handmade goods (More on that at a later date!). So today I got lucky and found one for an amazing price from feltcafe, an etsy seller. That makes my day times three, because I love supporting etsy sellers, I will finally have my machine, and it should be here in a week! Woo!
Find our wedding rings - Yeah, that's just not going to happen today. Although pictures are sure pretty, we need to go try some on. This goal will just have to wait until after Christmas!
Other than that I've been up to the usual craftiness with the kids, Halloween style. If you have some free time and children (if not borrow someone else's like I do) these are fun projects for cheap (if not free) and they totally got me into the Halloween mood. D and I made a cheesecloth ghost, Nic and I made a wreath out of garbage bags, and we made candied apples last night with Lea. D had to slice hers and eat it with a fork because of her braces. I got my back molars stuck together. It was awesome.
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