Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Buongiorno, Giada!

Week one of cooking with Giada De Laurentiis is here. Oh, at last at last! I'm so glad we're cooking Italian, and so happy to be working with a female, but oh Giada... what can I say?
Yup, I think that about covers it. 

I'll try really hard not to thrust my feelings for Giada upon all of you for the next six months, I swear. It'll be difficult, what with the plethora of fabulous posts offered up by the folks at Food Network Humor ( who are, by the way, my heroes of snark). I warn you though, if you truly heart Giada, don't even go there. It'll make you want to hurt someone with your perfectly manicured nails. Or go zest a lemon.

All jesting aside, I do own a copy of Giada's Kitchen: New Italian Favorites. I had yet to flip through it until this week. Since our theme for IHCC is Welcome Foods, I focused on the appetizers section. Couldn't figure out what to make. See, I'm refusing to shop this week. I limited myself to the stuff in my pantry and fridge for this recipe, so I had to keep flipping. I found just the perfect thing.

Hearty Tomato Soup with Lemon and Rosemary
2 Tbls. unsalted butter
1 onion, peeled and chopped
2 carrots, peeled and chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 (15 oz.) can of cannelini beans, drained and rinsed
1 (28 oz.) can of crushed tomatoes
3 cups chicken broth
1 bay leaf
2 tsp. minced fresh rosemary
1.4 tsp. red pepper flakes
3/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
2/3 c. heavy cream
 and (wait for it!) the zest of 1 lemon

In a large soup pot, melt butter. Add onion, carrot, and garlic and cook until tender, about 4 minutes. Add tomatoes, broth, beans, bay leaf, red pepper flakes, and half of rosemary. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, and cook covered for 30 minutes.
Puree in batches in a food processor or blender (be careful not to fill it more than halfway, since hot liquid expands and will explode all over you and your kitchen, just FYI :)). Return to pot to keep warm and season with salt and pepper ( I doubled the salt and pepper here, it needed it!).
(Now I skipped this part since I didn't have any heavy cream, but you can use a dab of sour cream instead!) Whip cream until soft peaks form. Fold in lemon zest and rosemary. Ladle soup into bowls and top with cream.

Print the Recipe

Just so ya know, this soup was very good. It was healthy, hearty, and comforting, a great lunch with a side of Italian bread for dipping. And there are a bunch of other recipes that look lovely in the book. Maybe I'm a Giada lover for real deep down inside my cold, black heart. I'll need to go buy some pale pink OPI polish.

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a moderate life said...

Jo jo bean! YOu are so silly! Do you think that maybe everyone is just Jealous of her? hehehe...I think I would love to be a beautiful, thin, rich girl who got to cook on TV for a living and write cookbooks! hehehe...Oh wait! I am! (in my dreams!) I am looking forward to trying some of her recipes in the coming weeks. This hearty tomato soup is right up our alley. My daughter's favorite! Thanks so much for sharing this on the hearth and soul hop! And Welcome Giada to the I heart Cooking Clubs! Hugs! Alex@amoderatelife

Hunger and Thirst said...

Jojo- Thanks for linking your recipe to the Hearth and Soul hop this week, but even more thanks for the link to the FN snark site. I can't believe I've gone this long without knowing it exists!

Heather S-G said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha...I love it! I'm checking that out...I know I'll lmao! I'm totally staying open-minded, though. Welcome, Giada...this was a good starter ;) And thanks for sharing it with the hearth and soul hop,too!

Christy said...

Well, I heart the tomato soup - am not sure about Giada though! Thanks for sharing this with us at the hearth and soul hop!

Roz said...

I have never tried to make tomato soup in this way, but will give it a try. I'm sure it was delicious! Nice meeting you . . . I just love your sense of humor! Will follow!

Kim said...

I happen to like Giada, but I can still laugh at the jokes - LOL! She is very expressive when she talks. The picture of your soup is very pretty and it looks like the perfect meal to make with pantry ingredients. I made this soup awhile back and loved that it was "beefed up" with the pureed beans. Glad to hear that enjoyed it ;-)

Couscous & Consciousness said...

Oh love that site - how did I not know about it before. Sorry, but I have to own up to being a big Giada fan - for quick, reliable mid-week meals that are not too complicated and taste great she's hard to beat - but then I am a sucker for lemon zest! Hope you get to like her a little more.
Sue :-)

Deb in Hawaii said...

I like Giada but agree she can be a bit perky at times--her recipes always work well for me though. The soup looks delicious--I have had this one tagged to make. Great pick.

Kayte said...

I love this soup so happy it is getting to be soup weather again here now! Yours looks so pretty...wish that was my lunch plate today!

Carla and Michael said...

Funny, I've been eyeballing this recipe for a while now. I do find that any of Giada's recipes that I've made over the years have never let me down. I'll have to give this soup a try now.

natalia said...

Ciao ! Giada is absolutely not kown here and the only comments about here were nasty... let's try and see, your soup was good and my hummus too !

Michelle B said...

Great post! I like that you were able to make this without having to shop for it. That's yet another reason I chose spiced up coffee.