Saturday, September 29, 2012

Etsy NJ - Go Team, Go!

Lots of food, beer, live music, art, crafts, and the Etsy tent, 
manned by lots of lovely members of the Etsy NJ team, including moi:) 
It was so much fun, and HUGE props to Jacqualynn for pulling it off! 
(Your mom is super nice, by the way.)
Check out some of the photos of the day!

Life-sized treasuries! How cool is that?

Demos! This one is jewelry demo by Jaime Sia.

The Raffle Table. Hi Jenn of Paperchoke!
Oh, and I want that little girl's hoodie. I'm so excited for the new Carlo's to open in Ridgewood:)

And the obligatory boy photo. 
Jude was such a trooper on our 2 plus hour drive! 
It turns out that highway rest stops can make 
entertaining playgrounds if you really need them to.

1 comment:

Carla Helene' from Caheez said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! So happy to see Etsy down in my neck of the woods. Sorry I missed the show but believe you me, I will be at the next one!!
